






1. 水疗养生:馆内设有专业的水疗养生区,提供多种水疗项目,如温泉、水疗浴、水疗按摩等,让您在享受水疗的过程中,舒缓疲劳,增强体质。

2. 按摩护理:专业按摩师运用传统中医按摩手法,结合现代按摩技巧,为您提供全身放松的按摩服务,缓解压力,改善睡眠。

3. 香薰SPA:选用天然香薰油,配合专业的SPA技师,为您打造一个舒缓身心的环境,让您在香薰的熏陶下,达到深度放松。

4. 健身运动:馆内设有健身房,配备各类健身器材,满足您的运动需求。同时,还提供瑜伽、舞蹈等课程,让您在锻炼身体的同时,陶冶情操。

5. 餐饮休闲:馆内设有特色餐厅,提供各类美食,让您在享受美食的同时,感受江南风味。











1. 禅修茶道的经典传承,让您在茶香中品味人生;
2. 红酒水疗、SPA、养生、水疗,为疲惫的您提供身心舒缓的幽静之所;
3. 视觉上的饕餮盛宴,让您的舒缓时光尽是完美的感受;
4. 完美服务,赢得本地及外地旅游商务人士的一致好评。



1. 传承SPA简约却不简单的理念,力求带给您SPA全然之美的艺术氛围;
2. 奢华的装修,优质的服务,赢得更好的评价;
3. 个性尊享服务,舞者灵巧的指尖和心灵与你近距离接触;
4. 专业、优质的服务人员,让您感受到一股强劲而柔和的力量;
5. 雅致的环境,让您瞬间忘却生活工作的烦恼。



1. 专业的技师团队,为您提供优质的服务;
2. 现代化的设施,让您享受到舒适的桑拿体验;
3. 美味的茶点,让您在桑拿的同时,品味美食;
4. 私密的环境,让您尽情放松身心。



1. 法国的红酒庄园出品高质量红酒,让您不出国门就能尽享法国原酿;
2. 专业的瑜伽舞蹈演绎,让您在挑战与趣味并存中,领略自然的静谧与生活的无穷乐趣;
3. 肾部保养、养生护肾疗法等特色项目,让您在享受桑拿的同时,关爱自己的身体健康。





1. 湿桑拿:湿桑拿是指在相对封闭的空间内,通过加热使得空气中的水分蒸发,从而达到高温高湿的环境。湿桑拿有助于促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,提高免疫力。

2. 干桑拿:干桑拿是指在干燥的环境中进行,通过加热使得空气温度升高,从而促使身体出汗。干桑拿有助于缓解肌肉疼痛,消除疲劳。

3. 混合桑拿:混合桑拿是将湿桑拿和干桑拿相结合,既能享受到高温高湿的环境,又能体验到干燥的环境。混合桑拿更全面地满足人体的需求。


1. 杭州汗蒸馆:位于杭州市下城区,是一家集桑拿、汗蒸、足浴、按摩为一体的综合性休闲场所。环境优雅,服务周到。

2. 杭州金色年华:位于杭州市西湖区,是一家以桑拿、汗蒸、按摩为主的休闲场所。店内设施齐全,环境舒适。

3. 杭州皇家养生馆:位于杭州市江干区,是一家以桑拿、汗蒸、按摩、足浴为主的休闲场所。店内环境优雅,服务一流。

4. 杭州武林门桑拿中心:位于杭州市下城区,是一家以桑拿、汗蒸、按摩为主的休闲场所。店内设施齐全,环境舒适。


1. 桑拿前:在进行桑拿前,请确保身体状况良好,如有感冒、高血压等疾病,请勿进行桑拿。

2. 桑拿时:进入桑拿房后,请适当调整室内温度,保持呼吸畅通。在桑拿过程中,请避免剧烈运动,以免造成身体不适。

3. 桑拿后:桑拿后,请适当饮用温水,补充流失的水分。同时,避免立即进行剧烈运动,以免对身体造成负担。

4. 皮肤护理:桑拿过程中,皮肤容易受到刺激,请在桑拿后进行适当的皮肤护理,保持皮肤水分。


1. 促进血液循环:桑拿有助于扩张血管,促进血液循环,提高身体免疫力。

2. 消除疲劳:桑拿过程中,身体出汗,有助于消除肌肉疲劳,缓解身体不适。

3. 改善睡眠:桑拿有助于放松身心,提高睡眠质量。

4. 美容养颜:桑拿有助于排出体内毒素,改善肤色,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。





















1. 杭州西子湖畔的“湖畔花园酒店”:酒店内的桑拿中心采用天然石材打造,设有多个不同温度的干蒸房、湿蒸房和石板浴,让客人在享受桑拿的同时,感受大自然的气息。

2. 位于西湖景区的“杭州雷迪森广场酒店”:酒店内的桑拿中心拥有多个不同功能的桑拿房,包括芬兰式桑拿、土耳其式桑拿、红外线桑拿等,让客人根据个人需求选择合适的桑拿方式。

3. 杭州国际会议中心的“杭州洲际酒店”:酒店内的桑拿中心设有多种桑拿房和按摩池,同时提供专业的按摩服务,让客人在享受桑拿的同时,舒缓身心压力。


1. 艺术氛围:杭州豪华酒店的桑拿中心通常装饰精美,融入了中式古典元素,如挂画、盆景等,营造出一种宁静、优雅的氛围。

2. 专业服务:酒店内的桑拿师均经过专业培训,能够为客人提供专业的桑拿指导和按摩服务,确保客人在享受桑拿的过程中安全、舒适。

3. 健康养生:桑拿具有促进血液循环、加速新陈代谢、缓解肌肉疲劳等功效,杭州豪华酒店的桑拿中心为客人提供科学的养生方案,帮助客人达到身心愉悦的目的。

4. 舒适环境:杭州豪华酒店的桑拿中心设施齐全,环境优雅,让客人在享受桑拿的同时,感受到家的温馨。


1. 放松身心:在繁忙的工作之余,走进杭州豪华酒店的桑拿中心,让身心得到彻底放松,享受一段宁静的时光。

2. 感受自然:杭州豪华酒店的桑拿中心大多位于风景优美的地段,让客人在享受桑拿的同时,感受大自然的魅力。

3. 结识新友:在桑拿中心,客人可以结识来自五湖四海的朋友,分享彼此的养生心得,拓展人际关系。

4. 陶冶情操:杭州豪华酒店的桑拿中心融入了中式古典元素,让客人在享受桑拿的同时,感受中国传统文化的魅力。







1. 杭州康桥国际桑拿中心



2. 康桥休闲养生馆



3. 康桥香悦桑拿中心



4. 康桥蓝湾桑拿中心



5. 康桥养生谷




1. 环境卫生:选择桑拿中心时,要关注场所的卫生状况,确保身体健康。

2. 设施齐全:选择设施齐全的桑拿中心,能够满足您的多样化需求。

3. 服务质量:优质的服务能够让您在享受桑拿的同时,感受到宾至如归的温馨。

4. 价格合理:根据自己的预算,选择性价比高的桑拿中心。





1. 时尚与舒适相结合


2. 功能性与实用性


3. 环保与健康



1. 地面材料


2. 墙面材料


3. 天花板材料


4. 桌椅、床具等家具



1. 地面施工


2. 墙面施工


3. 天花板施工


4. 家具安装













1. 干蒸:干蒸桑拿能够促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,有助于消除疲劳,提高免疫力。活动现场,嘉宾们纷纷体验了干蒸,享受着高温带来的舒适。

2. 湿蒸:湿蒸桑拿能够放松肌肉,缓解压力,改善睡眠。嘉宾们在湿蒸房内,感受着水汽的蒸腾,尽情地放松身心。

3. 石板浴:石板浴能够促进血液循环,缓解肌肉酸痛,提高肌肤弹性。嘉宾们躺在石板上,感受着石板散发出的热量,仿佛置身于温泉之中。

4. 盐浴:盐浴具有消炎、杀菌、美容、抗衰老等多种功效。嘉宾们在盐浴房内,享受着盐粒的按摩,肌肤变得光滑细腻。









Su Mo suddenly asked, "What is this Kunlun subject that you can sense?"
Extremely fire and read march both shook his head.
"Being able to deter other people in the Kunlun market should not be an ordinary monster beast." Su Mo said softly.
"Could it be a fierce clan?"
Extreme fire said
Su Mo shook his head. "No! I have just explored the gods at the altar. There are no other fierce families in Kunlun Market! "
"But it is strange that there will be protoss in the Kunlun market?"
Extreme fire and read march is also a face of confusion.
And these three protoss don’t know Su Mo.
That is to say, it is unlikely that these three protoss will come from the wild mainland!
But if it wasn’t from the wild, where did they come from?
Su Mo’s mind suddenly remembered that the old man had spoken, and it seemed that in Archaean times, the protoss was a fierce clan, and it was not among them.
Great fierce protoss Kunlun taboo Taigu war …
Su Mo had a hunch that protoss would play a very important role in the ancient war!
Protoss may be the key to reveal the truth of the ancient war!
"But this main force in Kunlun is really scary!"
Extreme fire sighed: "If you don’t count Mahayana bodhi old zu and emperor, the main force of Kunlun is more terrible than a super clan in the wild mainland!"
"After all, it is accumulated through the ages." Nianqi said.
"I didn’t expect there to be rebellion in this Kunlun clan."
Extremely angry and added, "It seems that the strength of the rebel army is not weak, which can make the Kunlun Lord so angry."
"I don’t know what this rebel leader is that he can compete with the half-ancestor of Kunlun Lord and make him so afraid."
The speaker is interested and the listener is interested.
Sue ink heart move mind flashed a light thought of a possible!
Is it …
Chapter one thousand five hundred and seven Pictures
"What’s the matter?"
Extremely fire and read march see Sue ink look different could not help but ask a way.
Sumo said slowly, "Night Spirit!"
Extremely angry, two people were shocked and exhaled.
This speculation is not a bit bold.
But it is not impossible to think about it carefully!
If the night spirit was still alive, he would have gone to look for Su Mo in the wild mainland.
He is most likely to appear in the Kunlun market!
Because the night spirit of this land is inextricably linked!
This is the night spirit home!
The ancestors of the Night Spirit are buried in this land!
And if the night spirit force comes back here, it will not be unknown.
It is also possible that the night spirit will become the overlord of Kunlun!
"What are you waiting for!"
Nian Qi Shen said, "Now let’s kill the Night Spirit Round!"
"Don’t worry first"
Su Mo looked calm and said, "For one thing, this is my guess, and for another, even if the rebel leader is really a night spirit, we are not in a hurry at this moment."
Extreme fire also nodded, "Kunlun will personally lead a great army to conquer on Sunday, which means that the situation over there should be able to hold up in the stalemate."
"We can control the Kunlun Master’s every move by staying here, which is more than rushing out now!"
"We’ll know the truth in no hurry."
Sue ink faint said 1
Three people stayed up all night.
The second day early in the morning Su Mo three people came to the altar early.
The Kunlun army has not left here to guard the whole army overnight!
About half an hour later, the three white protoss of Kunlun came to the altar.
"you people"
Master Kunlun looked around and said, "I just got the news that the rebellion was defeated. My Kunlun army has captured the rebel nest!"
"Now there are not many rebels left, and they are sticking to the valley of God!"
The Kunlun master shook his arm and shouted, "You will join me in killing the rebels and flattening the canyon!"
"Kill the rebels and flatten the canyon!"

With that, Amitabha disappeared into the void.

The enlightenment smell speech one leng couldn’t wait to chop Amitabha to death with a stick, but he didn’t dare to really start work. A pair of eyes looked at the Yuan Buddha, but he didn’t see his figure disappearing into the void.
No one knows what happened in an anticlimactic war. It’s always the fox god who has suffered a big loss. It seems to have been blindsided.
Looking at the charming female jade Duxiu’s wry smile not far away, I didn’t expect that someone would come out to spoil it at this time. If it weren’t for this little squirrel’s key, I wouldn’t know what would happen at that time. Jade Duxiu guessed that the biggest possibility was that she was slapped to death by the fox god.
"My little girl has seen" xianggong ".The girl has a pretty figure and a beautiful face, and she is respectful to Jade Duxiu.
Looking at this cave jade show a little bit of familiarity, I stole the congenital flat peach tree here in those days, but I never thought that I would return here again today.
Staring at the squirrel essence, after thousands of years of practice, it has taken off its demon fetus in human form, and its mana is pure and pure. It is very difficult for the squirrel essence to practice slowly. Now it is already a gap between the peak of the realm of nature and the quasi-fairy, but it is just a matter of understanding and condensing its own fruit.
"Amitabha poor monk Sanzang has seen the patroness." Jade Duxiu was not trapped. At this time, she got up and saluted the jade.
Jade Yong looked at Jade Duxiu, and suddenly it was a chuckle. Who would have thought that the famous one was actually reincarnated as a monk, but even so, I liked it very much in my heart?
"You don’t know the enemy. When you died, the family cried at your grave for a long time. Now there is a cenotaph standing outside the abode of fairies and immortals. If I hadn’t come to the door for the death of Dafa now, Tong Xuan was afraid that I didn’t know you had been reincarnated as a monk." Then Yu Yong leaned in a pair and grabbed Yu Duxiu’s arm. His eyes were full of tenderness. "What’s good outside? What’s the intrigue and calculation to figure out where there is my bottom hole to be happy and carefree? You’re not bound to come and go to the Buddhist paradise to take
"Amitabha’s patroness, men and women, don’t give and receive. Never do this. Never do this." Jade Duxiu wants to shake her palm, but she finds that the other party has exerted her magical power. If she doesn’t want to reveal it, she can hold it by the other party.
"You monk, I risked my life and death in the hands of the demon god to save you. Do you want to repay me?" The jade Yong’s eyes sparkled and covered her mouth with a light smile. Her eyes were full of play abuse.
"Amitabha poor monk is penniless, but he doesn’t know how to repay his patroness," Yu Duxiu said.
"Why don’t you marry me and be a happy couple in this cave?" Jade Yong jade face leaned in and fragrant bursts came.
Jade Duxiu retreated and fell to the ground to avoid the closeness of Jade Yong.
"You monk had no discretion. If I were an ordinary person, I would have killed him long ago, but I just couldn’t get angry when I saw you." Yu Yong’s eye flowed to the maid’s side and said, "Go and change the holy monk’s robe. After a while, let’s have a big banquet and I’ll marry the holy monk."
"Bitter also" looked at the beautiful maid Yu Duxiu, who rushed around, and suddenly smiled bitterly. I never thought that it was really a big head to be plagued by peach blossoms recently. I didn’t expect that Komatsu was so timid that he wanted to take advantage of himself.
"I saw that my brother was pale and weak, and the decline of qi and blood was obviously hurt by that sycophantic injury. It’s a pity that I lost JingXie. It’s not appropriate for me to escape in the hands of the demon god. I want to avenge you, but I can’t do it." Speaking of this, the jade dragon said to the maid, "Go and cook a pot of porridge for nine castles, and my brother will raise qi and blood."
The nine great ancestors of Terran looked at each other.
"Since the beginning of time, it has never been found that the fox god has sent such a big anger. This sycophantic person is always smiling, even if he is bullied, he is never angry. He has seen the fox god so furious and doesn’t know what happened to him." Too easy to teach his ancestors a pair of eyes to look at the long river of fate, but there is no indication.
At the same time, the streamer flashed in the eyes of the Taiping ancestor. "Isn’t this old guy you are calculating?"
Grandfather Taiyi smiled wryly. "I’d like to calculate that I didn’t notice the trace of the fox god when I failed."
"If it’s not you, it’s all over the world." Taiyi teaches the ancestors.
The ancestors of Terran looked at each other. "Either Terran or Sihai didn’t know what Sihai had done, which made Fox so furious."
"It’s the four seas, not the demon race, that calculate the demon race. Now the fox god is bigger than the demon race."
"It’s not without this. It may be that those guys of the demon race are all brain generations. It’s reasonable to advocate fist shit. It’s impossible for them to try to calculate the fox god base. I think the dragon is the most likely."
The hatred of Taizu Dragon is not as big as usual. I have been thinking about reporting the clan feud that was almost destroyed in that year because I have no chance.
"There is no handle on this matter, except for the source force of the strong wind beast. It is not easy to achieve this step."
East China Sea Dragon Palace brocade scale expression Where to sit and drink? East China Sea Dragon King said, "Is the fox god so furious?" Since the testimony, I have never seen the fox god so furious. "
Brocade scales smell speech frown "must be the fox god ate a big loss and it is an unprecedented big loss, it is also possible that the fox god was calculated and secretly angry."
Beihai Longjun’s figure came out of the void. "I suppressed a part of the gale beast source in Beihai and was stolen."
"I suppressed a part of the strong wind beast source in the West Sea and it was stolen." West Sea Dragon King strolled in the virtual gloomy way.
"So is the South China Sea. A part of the west wind source is missing."
The East China Sea Dragon King Jin Scale was furious and changed color. It took a while for the East China Sea Dragon King to disappear in the virtual space before he came out in the virtual space. His face was ugly. "Good means are really good means. I don’t know who secretly used them, but we actually noticed them."
"Damn" the West Sea Dragon King’s eyes burst into flames. "It’s rare for us to steal the source of strong winds and beasts without disturbing us."
"I went to the Terran Kyushu for a walk. When the unlucky ghost killed the gale beast in the town, I dismembered it and suppressed all parties in the world. I didn’t know the source of the Terran suppression because the four seas gale beast was stolen." Long Jun in the East China Sea got up and said, "Ask the west gale about it. Maybe we can see some clues from the west gale body."
"Hurry up and find out if the problem lies in my four seas. I will be in trouble in the future. I will never know that the fox god is so furious on Yongning Day. If only I knew the curtain." After that, the East China Sea Long Jun disappeared into the void and went to Terran Kyushu.
At this time in the wild, the demon gods looked at each other. You look at me, and I don’t think you know what to say.
"How many years didn’t see the fox god furious? Such anger seems to be the first time I saw "Tiger God" scratching his head.
Chapter 1635 Days
In fact, the demon gods in the wild are quite curious about what happened to the fox god, who has always been fine and rational, and actually called this sycophantic crazy, screaming and rude person to start hands.
However, all the truth in the heavens and the earth except those parties has been buried in the time, and there is no way to find the truth.
At this time, I looked at the jade in the bottom hole and sent someone to change clothes for myself. Jade Duxiu suddenly smiled bitterly. Recently, this rotten peach blossom is indeed a lot of headaches.
After walking around the surrounding Fiona Fang for thousands of miles, Wu Wu finally found the bottom hole in the cloud, only to find that his two younger brothers were recovering from their injuries, but they couldn’t help.
The pig bodhi old zu whined, "How could that fellow, the fox god, suddenly appear in the girl country and have a cow? It’s terrible if this woman is crazy. Fortunately, a senior brother rubbed off the fox god’s attack before, or our other disciples will be beaten to death by the fox god even if they are finished."
After listening to the words of the pig’s bodhi old zu, I realized that the divine light was flowing in my eyes. "Don’t worry about the two younger brothers of the fox god for a while. I quickly swept my old grandson and found the trace of the master."
"Where is it? The monster dare to take away the master when it’s really impatient to live. Let’s brothers just take the opportunity to vent their evil spirits. "Pig bodhi old zu nu way.
"Just follow me, two younger brothers." Wu drove the light to lead the way. Three people descended on the bottom hole and looked at the dark cave. The cold evil wind blew from the pig bodhi old zu and shivered. "Monkey, I don’t know how many monsters live in this cave. If I don’t find out clearly, I will die unjustly if I rush to deliver food to others."
"You stay here and watch me for a while, this monster." Wu suddenly went to the ground with a golden cudgel in his hand, and suddenly the mountains shook and rolled towards the depths of the hole. "The demon came out quickly."
Jade Yong in the bottom hole is preparing to wait for Jade Duxiu to get married. Suddenly, I heard a frown on my face and drove the breeze to "shout where did you come to Po Hou to disturb my wife?"
"It turned out to be a female monster." When I realized that Jade Yong had the realm of nature, I immediately felt relieved. "If you are a monster, you will report to my family quickly. If I know it, I may leave you a way out. If I don’t know it, don’t blame me for beating you to death."
"Yo, you Po Hou’s great tone incredibly dare to say that you killed your aunt with a stick. I haven’t come out with a stick. You are a person who came to aunt’s abode of fairies and immortals." Jade Yong frowned and was not afraid to see Wu as a quasi-strong person.
Wu Dao said, "So that you can know that my old grandson is the Great Sage who made a scene in Heaven and Monkey 500 years ago. If you know my old grandson’s fame, you may be able to hand over my old master as soon as possible. If you say no, you can kill him or bury him."
"It turned out that Bi Mawen was 500 years ago. It was you who disturbed the flat peach that would harm the girl. I didn’t eat the flat peach today, but we have to make it clear that there is no master here." Yu Yong’s eyebrows rose.
"Bi Mawen?" Wu suddenly became sullen. You can’t play happily when you hit people, scold them and expose them.
"The monster wants to see if you dare to arrest my master if you have something to do." Realizing that his anger was burning, he hit Mrs. Yu Yong.
Jade Yong smell speech ha ha sneer at "good you Po Hou today don’t want to let you know that your aunt is fierce".
After that, I saw the jade with a dagger and killed it towards enlightenment.
Knowing that the strength of enlightenment is great, the dagger strikes the virtual and avoids the real. At that time, it was realized that there is a strong end after all, and now it is the law of strength that the jade dragon is the realm of nature, but it has been lost to the Great Sage after more than 30 rounds.